- Embassy of Denmark
Mourouzi 10, 4th floor
GR-106 74 Athens
Tel. +30 210 7256440
Fax +30 210 7256473
E-mail: athamb@um.dk
Web: graekenland.um.dk
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10.00 - 13.00
Telephone hours: Monday-Friday 9.00 - 15.00
- Embassy of Finland
Hatziyianni Mexi 5
115 28 Athens
Tel. +30 210 7255860
Fax: +30 210 7255864
E-mail: sanomat.ate@formin.fi
Web: www.finland.gr/
Customer Service: Monday-Friday 9.00 - 12.00
- Royal Norwegian Embassy
Vas. Sophias Avenue 23, 106 74 Athens
Telephone: +30 210 7246173
Fax: +30 210 7244989
E-mail: emb.athens@mfa.no
Web: www.norway.gr/Embassy/
Emergency phone: +30 6972 00 50 96
Opening hours: 9.00 - 13.00
- Embassy of Sweden
Vassileos Konstantinou 7
106 74 ATHENS
Tel:+30 210 7266100
Fax:+30 210 7266150
Email: ambassaden.athen@foreign.ministry.se
Web: www.swedenabroad.com/
Opening hours: Monday-Thursday 9.00 - 17.00, Friday 9.00 - 15.00
Visiting hours: Monday-Friday 9.30 - 13.30
The Scandinavian Church & Nordic Social Associations
- The Scandinavian Church: www.svenskakyrkan.se/aten
- The Danish Greek Association: www.danskgraeskforening.gr/
- Finnish Women in Athens (Mailing list): kirsi.melvola@gmail.com
- Norwegian Association in Athens: vikingnytt.blogspot.com
- Swedish-Greek Club in Athens: Facebook
- SWEA, Swedish Women´s Educational Association: www.swea.org/
Official websites of the Nordic countries
The official website of Denmark
Norway – the official site in Greece