- a joint venture by the four archaeological institutes of Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark

New Accessions - February 2025

Eva Mortensen & Rubina Raja (eds.), Store danske arkæologer : På jagt efter fortidens byer, Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2019; 978-87-7184-751-2

Philippe Bohström, Troja : myt eller verklighet?, Svenskt militärhistoriskt bibliotek 2022; 978-91-88885-91-3

M. E. Gkikaki (ed.), Tokens in Classical Athens and Beyond : Politics, Communities, Contexts, Liverpool University Press 2023; 978-1-80085-613-4

Else Schjøth (tra.), Egerias reise til Det hellige land, Aschehoug 1991; 82-03-16677-6

Yannis Tzedakis, Holley Martlew & Michael Tite (eds.), The Late Minoan III Necropolis of Armenoi, volume II : Biomolecular and Epigraphical Investigations, Oxbow Books 2024; 979-8-88857-046-3

Tomasz Wujewski, Anatolian sepulchral stelae in Roman times, Adam Mickiewicz University Press 1991; 82-232-0305-9

Stampolidis, Nikolaos Chr. – Anna Vlachaki (eds.), NoHMATA ‘Meanings’. Personifications and Allegories from Antiquity to Today, Acropolis Museum 2024; 978-618-5120-27-6

Iconoclasm : Art as a Battleground, Glyptoteket 2024; 978-87-7452-387-1

Theophrastus (author), George Malcolm Statton (author, translator), Theophrastus and the Greek physiological psychology before Aristotle, University of Michigan Library 2015 – reprint of 1917 edition

Theophrastus (author), W.D Ross (author, translator), Metaphysics, Kessinger Publishing 2010 – reprint of 1929 edition; 978-1-166-39214-7

Β' διεθνές ιστορικό και αρχαιολογικό συνέδριο Αιτωλοακαρνανίας. (29-31 Μαρτίου 2002, Αγρίνιο): Πρακτικά A' B' τόμοι, Ιστορική - Αρχαιολογική Εταιρεία Δυτικής Στερεάς Ελλάδος 2004; 960-85078-7-1

Hermann Diels (ed.), Doxographi graeci, Cambridge University Press 2010; 978-1-108-01549-3

M. Livadiotti, M.A. Rizzo, M. Filimonos-Tsopotou (a cura di), Ialiso II.1. Athanaiai dekatan. Il santuario di Athana Polias a Ialysos (Rodi), Tomo I, Tomo II, + Tavole, Scuola archeologica italiana di Atene 2024; 978-960-9559-39-3

G. Ceserani, Italy's lost Greece : Magna Graecia and the making of modern archaeology, Oxford University Press 2012; 978-0-19-974427-5

Alexander of Aphrodisias (author), William E. Dooley, S.J (transl.), Alexander of Aphrodisias: On Aristotle Metaphysics 5, Bloomsbury Academic 2014 (first published in 1993 by Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd.); 978-1-78093-450-1

Sonja Dahlgren, Martti Leiwo, Marja Vierros (eds.), Scribes and Language Use in the Graeco-Roman World, Commentationes humanarum litterarum 147, Societas scientiarum Fennica 2024; 978-951-653-520-6

Evi Margaritis, Athanasia Mourati, Eleni Klinaki, Αγροτικές εγκαταστάσεις των ύστερων κλασικών χρόνων στις θέσεις "Κομπολόι" και "Ντουβάρι" στη νότια Πιερία, Aura Supplement 11, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών 2024; 978-618-5740-08-5

Jorgen Martin Hansen, Water for Hadrian's villa: a survey for the water supply to the imperial villa, Analecta romana instituti danici (supplementum LVII), Edizioni Quasar 2024; 978-88-5491-520-6

Jesper Calsen & John Lund (eds.), Roman Carthage: A reappraisal, Analecta romana instituti danici (supplementum LVIII), Edizioni Quasar 2024; 978-88-5491-539-8

Paul Holder, Roman military diplomas VI, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 147, Institute of Classical Studies 2024; 978-1-915249-65-4

Les Espaces du Savoir dans L'Antiquite : Introduction et huit exposes suivis de discussions / Spaces for Learning in Antiquity : Introduction and eight papers followed by a discussion, Entretiens sur l’antiquité Classique LXIX, Fondation Hardt 2024; 978-2-600-00769-6

Emanuele Greco, Ιππόδαμος ο Μιλήσιος, Βιβλιοθήκη της Εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 352, Εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογική Εταιρεία 2024; 978-618-5047-74-0


Current Swedish Archaeology vol. 32 (2024), The Swedish Archaeological Society; ISSN 1102-7355

Revue des Études Anciennes 126, no. 2 (2024), Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux; ISSN 0035-2004

Studia Archaeologica Brunensia 29:1 (2024), Masaryk University Press; ISSN 1805-918X

Studia Archaeologica Brunensia 29:2 (2024), Masaryk University Press; ISSN 1805-918X

Graeco-Latina Brunensia 28:2 (2023), Masaryk University Press; ISSN 1803-7402

Graeco-Latina Brunensia 29:1 (2024), Masaryk University Press; ISSN 1803-7402

Graeco-Latina Brunensia 29:2 (2024), Masaryk University Press; ISSN 1803-7402

Medusa: Svensk tidskrift för antiken 45:4 (2024), Föreningen för en svensk antiktidskrift; ISSN 0349-456X

Klassisk forum 2023:1-2, Norsk klassisk forbund, ISSN: 0801-3179

Gnomon 97.1 (2025), C. H. Beck; ISSN 0017-1417

Phronesis 60:4 (2015), Brill; ISSN 0031-8868

Antike Welt 56:1 (2025), wbg; ISSN 0003-570X

Heritage Turkey 14 (2024), British Institute at Ankara; ISSN 2045-3272

American journal of archaeology 129:1 (2025), University of Chicago Press; ISSN 0002-9114

Near eastern archaeology 87:4 (2024), University of Chicago Press; ISSN 1094-2076

Bulletin du Musée hongrois des Beaux-Arts 128 (2023), Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest; ISSN 0133-5545