Encyclopaedia & Dictionaries
- Den Store Danske (Danish)
- Salmonsens Konversationsleksikon (Danish, 1915-1930)
- Store Norske Leksikon (Norwegian)
- Nationalecyclopedien (Swedish)
- The New Encyclopedia Britannica
The Encyclopedia of Ancient History
(Wiley Online Library) fully searchable online from computers within the Library
- Ordbog over det Danske Sprog (ODS) (Danish, 1700-1950)
- Den Danske Ordbog (Danish, 1955 - )
- Bokmålsordboka - Nynorskordboka (Norwegian)
- Norsk Ordbok (Norwegian)
- Svenska Akademiens Ordbok (Swedish)
- Deutsches Wörterbuch (German)
- Merriam-Webster (American)
- English-Greek Dictionary. A Vocabulary of the Attic Language by S. C. WOODHOUSE, M.A.
- Lexical Aids and Lexicography for Ancient Greek and Linguistics